Ice Skating e Rhythmic Gym Forum | Pattinaggio e Ginnastica Ritmica

Votes taken by LaPat

  1. .
    Servizio tv su THE ICE - video con incorporamento disattivato quindi posto il link

    Il primo show è iniziato poco più di un'ora fa ed è ancora in corso. Sono già uscite alcune foto ufficiali















    Fonte SportsNavi su twitter




  2. .
    Domani alle 09 ora italiana, Fuji TV manderà in onda una prima versione non completa dello show. Lascio il link ad uno streaming, ma non sono sicurissima che si possa vedere, perchè ho letto che si tratta di una trasmissione "Kanto local" e quindi non so se trasmessa a livello di rete nazionale.

    Dalla pagina FB di Takahito Mura - practice



    Fonte Jeff IG

    Non so chi sia questo ragazzo, solo che è parte di una coppia e che ha scattato foto nel backstage. Una fan di Mao le ha trovate e radunate in un tweet

    Edited by LaPat - 28/7/2017, 06:46
  3. .
    Due in un colpo solo, ma preferisco postarlo qui, nel topic dedicato a Satokina :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: perchè mi manca così tanto e da quando si è fermata, saltando tutta la seconda parte della scorsa stagione, si sono avute così poche notizie di lei.

    Postata nell'account ufficiale IG del Richmond Training Center, vicino a Toronto


    Forza Caro! Forza Satoko!! Che sia una fantastica stagione!!
  4. .
    In questi giorni Taka è tornato sui pattini ufficialmente come pattinatore professionista: sta partecipando a Prince Ice World in svolgimento a Tokyo. Il suo programma "The First Time Ever I saw your Face"






    Foto @Kiyoshi Sakamoto


    dal Fureai time
  5. .
    Il 02 luglio, nell'ambito delle tante manifestazioni per il 70° della fondazione della Kansai University di Osaka Yamato Tamura - allenatore presso il Kansai University Skating Club di Takatsuki - Osaka - ha ricevuto un riconoscimento, insieme ad altri nomi "eccellenti" dell'Università.

    Fonte Kansai University FB

  6. .
    Non so per quanto tempo resisteranno prima che la scure dei diritti si abbatta su di loro!!! Affrettatevi!!

    Dreams On Ice 2017 intera trasmissione tv

    Marin Honda

    Rika Hongo

    Wakaba Higuchi

    Mai Mihara

    Shoma Uno

    Keiji Tanaka

    Takahito Mura

    Kazuki Tomono

    Nathan Chen

    Evgenia Medvedeva

    Yuna Shiraiwa

    Kaori Sakamoto

    Kana Muramoto/Chris Reed

    Sumire Suto/Francis Boudreau-Audet

    Co-commentatrice Kanako Murakami :wub:

    tumblr_osukcuLdlu1rcnqgoo3_250 tumblr_osukcuLdlu1rcnqgoo1_250

    tumblr_osukcuLdlu1rcnqgoo4_250 tumblr_osukcuLdlu1rcnqgoo2_250

    Fonte gif di Kana - Credit to to@ jardineaquatique
  7. .
    HYOEN2017 BASARA sarà trasmesso in tv!!!!!! :happy_fox: :happy_fox: :happy_fox:

    Domenica 27 agosto (suscettibile di eventuale modifica) su NHK BS Premium alle 15:50 ora italiana

    e poi ancora più avanti, in data ancora da destinarsi ma presumibilmente in ottobre, su Nitteleplus, con ulteriore footage extra

    FORSE è possibile vedere NHK BS Premium in streaming qui

    NHK BS Premium

    Io ho provato adesso e funziona..... c'è solo da sperare che poi la trasmissione non sia a pagamento o comunque bloccata per lo streaming.

    E c'è sempre la speranza che qualcuno carichi un video e si possa vedere qualcosa prima che lo tirino via per i diritti. Ma di screencaps e gif ce ne saranno in abbondanza!!!

    Non vedo l'ora....

    :woot_jump: :woot_jump: :woot_jump: :woot_jump:

    Edited by LaPat - 13/8/2017, 14:30
  8. .
    Da venerdì scorso, data del mio ultimo post, sono letteralmente stravolta e travolta dall'ondata quotidiana di foto e clips e video caricati dalle fan che sono andate a vedere lo show.

    Anche questa volta, un grandissimo successo!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

    Lo show è, essenzialmente, lo stesso, però questa volta Dai ha più spazio. Nelle diverse interviste dei mesi scorsi, Dai ha spiegato che, quando gli è stato chiesto di rifare lo show (commento mio: come traino per il tour che si terrà negli USA da ottobre a fine novembre ma al quale lui non partecipa) lui non ha accettato subito subito. Ha chiesto tempo per pensarci, perchè di primo acchito non era propenso a ripetere quella che era stata una sfida entusiasmante. Pensava che non avrebbe provato lo stesso entusiasmo, lo stesso stimolo. Poi, parlandone con Cheryl e i due coreografi, si è convinto che, pur essendo la stessa cosa, era sempre possibile provare cose nuove, spingersi ancora oltre ed entusiasmarsi ancora e ancora..... E poi.... a lui stesso come spettatore sarebbe piaciuto rivederlo e quindi alla fine ha detto sì.

    Aveva espresso il desiderio di interagire di più con i ballerini professionisti e quindi, quest'anno, partecipa anche a qualche numero di gruppo, mentre altri sono stati leggermente modificati per farlo lavorare di più con i ballerini.

    Experimentation ha un momento iniziale in cui Dai è spupazzato qua e là dai ragazzi, mentre in "Hometown Glory" quest'anno danza insieme ad altri due e....attenzione attenzione.... è a torso nudo!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: Quando se ne sono accorte, le fan hanno iniziato a svenire in massa!! :lol: :lol:

    Per ora abbiamo solo questa briciolina, proprio della Premiere, postata da Merryl sul suo IG stories e salvata da una sua fan e ri-postata da Flapper-Dai

    Lo show sarà trasmesso più avanti in tv da TBS - per cui per motivi di copyright i servizi sullo show che passano in tv sono sempre più o meno simili, mostrando alcuni momenti dalla prova generale in costume. Forse questo è dello show vero e proprio, ma non ne sono affatto sicura. Comunque sempre momenti di "Glory" + Merryl/Charlie e Cheryl.

    Come ho scritto, ci sono tonnellate di foto prese dal fandom nell'unico momento disponibile, ovvero la chiamata alla ribalta. Quindi sono molto simili.... e inoltre non so se posso prenderle e ripostarle qui. Cercherò di chiedere a qualche fan....

    Nel frattempo posto queste, da un paio di riviste on-line. Sempre foto di "Glory"


    Fonte @noriem magazine


    Fonte @spice-eplus






    Fonte @theaterguide

    Domenica Mai Asada è andata a vedere uno dei due show e poi è passata a salutare il suo amico nel backstage.


    Dai promuove alcuni oggetti sponsorizzati - ci sono anche magliette, sciarpe, ciondoli e molto altro ancora....

    Cap dal video promozionale - mia


    A proposito di termine di qualche show Dai torna alla ribalta per due chiacchiere con un commentatore e con il pubblico. Voleva far vedere alle sue amate fan la maglietta di LOTF2017 e ha pensato bene di attirare l'attenzione così :lol3.gif: :lol3.gif:

    Dai XXX rated

    Risultato: svenimenti a catena fino all'ultima fila :mfr_lol.gif: :mfr_lol.gif:

    Video non in elenco (e quindi non riportabile altrove) dell'intero numero di Glory (dalla colonna sonora del film Selma) ripreso durante la prova generale in costume. Se prendo quel cameraman che ha perso il fuoco due volte gli stacco le orecchie a morsi :grrrrr: :grrrrr: :grrrrr:

    Glory - Dress Reharsal


  9. .
    Probabilmente violerò 56.200 disposizioni sul copyright..... ma non posso non mettere queste foto meravigliose!!! Vogue Japan ha avuto la supervisione di costumi, trucco, pettinature. Nulla è stato lasciato al caso ed il risultato continua a lasciarmi a bocca aperta.


    Fonte @credit
  10. .
    Dallo show di ieri alla Glacier Arena

    Shoma ha pattinato "See You Again" e "This Town" (ha cambiato camicia :cool: )

    Esiste un video di This Town. Chi lo ha caricato chiede gentilmente di non ri-postarlo altrove e quindi rispetto il suo desiderio. Il video è disponibile anche in HD.

    Shoma Uno - This Town - Glacier Arena 03/06/2017

    Questa invece è una clip di "See You Again"

    Link a foto riprese durante lo show - grazie ad Arriba!!!

    all'estrema destra: Bradie Tennell (campionessa nazionale USA Junior 2015)

    Cantilover su tumblr ha postato la traduzione in inglese dell'intervista recentemente uscita su Quadruple 2017 Extra magazine, che risale a subito dopo i WTT. E' lunghetta, quindi lascio sotto spoiler. Come sempre Shoma mantiene l'atteggiamento umile e "sottotono" che lo caratterizza. Non si ritiene particolarmente bravo in nessuno degli elementi tecnici e ritiene di doversi sempre migliorare. Parlando dell'argento mondiale dice "è capitato che i salti siano andati bene" - come se lui non avesse nessun merito in proposito :woot: Parla anche del suo rapporto con Mao e con Kanako.

    “i will never be able to reach my ideal self.”

    (Shoma’s interview in the Quadruple 2017 Extra magazine. Magazine scan credits to @niaori​ - Please do not repost these photos.)

    As an explorer of figure skating…

    Shoma Uno, who decided to devote his life to figure skating when he was little, and who has been chasing after his ideal self since then. Even after winning the silver medal at the World Championships, as he evolves himself, he continues to push his skating life forward while maintaining and improving his skills, mental strength, and physical condition.

    Congratulations on your silver medal at Worlds and your gold medal as a team at the World Team Trophy. Is there a different type of happiness in winning as a team compared to winning alone?

    S: Yes. Since this is the outcome which resulted from everyone’s best fights, there is a different type of happiness to it.

    During WTT, were you thinking about the Team Event at the Olympics?

    S: That, I didn’t really think about. I did have the goal to “win as a team”, but I was mainly thinking “I hope each and every one of the team members get to skate their best performance” and “I hope I don’t pull the team down”.

    Never mind you pulling the team down… your results had a big contribution in the victory of Team Japan. Aren’t you satisfied with your performances?

    S: I was really relaxed in both the short and the free, I was able to skate from beginning to end like it was just a practice.

    You always say “I want to perform just like how I’ve been able to do in practices”, and when you actually do perform close to how you’ve skated in practices, you say “I need to bring up the quality of my practices”. That ambition always baffles me. Will you be leveling-up your practices and continuing to aim for performances which reflect your practices from now on?

    S: Yes. Although my biggest goal is to perform with the strength that I have in my practices, if I increase the quality of my practices, I should be able to perform very well when I perform just like how I do in practices. During competitions, rather than trying to perform without any mistakes, I always think, “I hope I get to show everything I’ve been working on in my practices”.

    In what ways were you able to skate ‘like how you do in practices’ in this competition?

    S: In general, my emotions were very calm. Sometimes, I say “I don’t remember anything from during my performance because I was too focused”, but this time, I was thinking about a lot of things.

    This performance especially felt a sense of unity between you and the music. How was it for you personally?

    S: I felt that I could hear the music better than usual, and that I was able to match with the music a lot more calmly than usual. But if I were asked if I put a lot of emotion into it, I’d say I usually put in more emotion at other competitions.

    At the interview the next day, you said the consistency of your 4lz is still very low. Have you been landing it in practices already?

    S: Very rarely.

    When was it that you first landed it?

    S: I landed it for the first time at my practice on the day I came back from Worlds, and I landed it again like a week later, something like that.

    How does it feel compared to when you were first practicing your other quads?

    S: Not too well. It’s better than the salchow. I still have trouble doing the lutz on the outer edge. When I lean my edge a bit too deep, I can’t rotate enough, it’s really hard. It’s a lot worse than the loop.

    You got the hang of the 4lo very quickly.

    S: For the loop, if I put in enough power correctly, I can do them quite well. But for the lutz, even when I put in a lot of power throughout the entire jump, I still don’t know how it will turn out to be. I’m in the position where I don’t even know which way I’m leaning towards, so I think this will take some time.

    Would you use it as a ‘weapon’ for next season?

    S: I haven’t thought about it that deeply.

    In your last interview, when you were asked, “Would you like to add 4-5 more quads?”, you answered “I will not”. But you quickly mastered the 4lo, and had a consistent 4-quad-free program. Isn’t the chance of adding the 4lz pretty high?

    S: Right now, that is not something I am looking into. (laughs) I will work hard to land it, but I’m not thinking anything like “I will include it even though it’s impossible”.

    So you’ll just see how it goes.

    S: Yep. It’s not a jump I can do to fulfill everyone’s excitement, so please don’t expect anything. (laughs)

    In addition, during your interview after your free, you were asked “What did you want to be (when you grow up) when you were little?”, and you answered, “I had decided since elementary school that I would live life with my full focus on figure skating”. What grade were you in when you decided this?

    S: I’ve never thought of living a non-figure skating life, so I don’t have a specific moment when I decided this. The only thing I had was skating, and there weren’t any paths which involved me quitting skating. The thought of “I will live through skating” wasn’t something I realized at one moment, I think it was something I just felt since I was very little.

    So it wasn’t like you were directly aiming to become a skater, it was that you realized somehow that you were already feeling that way?

    S: Hmm. It felt like a ‘mission’ back then. Like “I must do skating” and “The only thing I have is skating”. Sometimes that gave me a lot of pressure, but I am so happy now that I am able to devote myself to skating like this.

    When was it that your feelings changed to that?

    S: Last season maybe. But this season had the biggest impact I think.

    So until your junior years, you still had a great feeling of skating being a ‘mission’?

    S: Yes. It was really as if I was getting chased by the feeling of it being a ‘mission’.

    Since your feelings towards that changed, has the way you regard skating changed?

    S: Very much. Actually, tremendously. Now, I’m always only thinking of things related to skating like “What do I do to be able to perform well at competitions”.

    Was there a direct cause of this switch in mentality?

    S: Before, when I watched the top skaters, I would only think, “I am nowhere near them” and “It’s impossible for me” so I wasn’t aware of that type of mentality yet. However, as I got closer and closer to the top, my feelings of “I can’t win, but I don’t want to lose!” got stronger and stronger, which changed my mentality.

    By getting silver at Worlds, you’re at the closest position to the top. How do you feel about that?

    S: I’m sure my feelings will keep on changing, but as of now, this is the funnest time of my figure skating life. It’s so fun being in the position of ‘chasing’, and it takes the weight off my shoulders being as someone who could “challenge (the top skater)”. Even though I want to win, I know that you get a lot of pressure by being someone that people are always chasing. But, in order to become that person, I know I need to continue working hard.

    At Worlds, Hanyu was first and you were second. Did you deeply feel Hanyu’s strength by being second?

    S: Yea. I thought I’ve always known Yuzu-kun’s strength, but when he performed a clean free at Worlds, I was confident that Yuzu-kun will win. Right now, the only times I’ve gotten higher scores than him were when Yuzu-kun made mistakes and I performed clean. I know that there’s a lot of possible outcomes since this is a sport, but I of course want to win based solely on our abilities.

    Were you watching Hanyu’s free skate?

    S: Yes. No seriously, it was amazing. All of the jumps were perfect.

    Were you able to step on the ice without unrest?

    S: I was confident that there was no way I could win, so I just wanted to do whatever I could do.

    The result of that was that the point difference between you and Hanyu’s was 2.28. How do you feel about those two points?

    S: But that was only because I had a lead from the short. Although the total difference was 2.28, there was an even bigger difference in the free (8.75 points), and since there was that big of a difference even when I did a good performance, I thought, “I still got a long way”.

    Did the fact that you were able to consistently skate both your short and free boost your confidence?

    S: They weren’t always that consistent. (laughs) I’ve skated the short well coincidentally in the second half of the season, so I’m still not consistent at all. And I’ve rarely skated them both perfectly. But regardless of that, I think it was very good that I was able to do that in the second half of the season. Especially since I had such a strong animosity towards the short.

    It seemed like you were very confident in your short at Worlds. When was it that you stopped disliking it?

    S: I think it was because I was able to affix my mistakes to my successes after the Asian Winter Games.

    What type of mistake?

    S: First of all, I couldn’t focus at all at the Asian Winter Games. When I couldn’t focus, I tried even harder to focus, which resulted in me getting stuck in a loop of bad feelings, which caused my body to stop moving. So since the competition after AWG, I’ve changed my mentality to, “If I can’t focus, I should skate like it’s just a practice” and “It’s not like I am not able to make no mistakes in practices, actually my consistency level is higher in practices”.

    By learning from your mistakes.

    S: Yes.

    Earlier, when I interviewed Ryuju Hino, he said, “I talk to Uno about how to maintain a good mentality”. By talking to other people, are you able to be more aware of your feelings or deepen your analysation (of your skating)?

    S: Yes. I think there are times when I realize that I am not conscious of my own emotions. By putting my feelings into words when I get asked about it, I get to confirm my emotions. Like this interview now, I really think it’s important to put my thoughts into words and and to have someone listen to them.

    Right now, personally, what is the number one thing you felt you needed work on (after the competitions)?

    S: Hmm everything. Although I’ve always said ‘everything’. Since I’m still not able to do any of the other elements well, I don’t feel entitled to say “I have to work on my jumps” or “I have to work on my spins”, since I really need to improve everything. At this moment, and always, from now on.

    I don’t think anybody else thinks you ‘are not able to do any of the other elements well’!

    S: No no, I still haven’t reached my goal, and before anything, I think I should get on to the level of my satisfaction first.

    How close is your skating now to your ideal self?

    S: I can’t compare that. I can only see the negative aspects of my skating, I can’t see anything that’s good about it. For jumps, the bads and the goods are easy to tell apart, but I really know nothing about my expression and skating skills.

    Right now, to you, which of your performances have been the closest to your ideal?

    S: There isn’t any. Even the performances which I think went quite well, when I watch them back, I think, “This isn’t good at all”. This happens quite a lot. I also often think, “A year ago I was fine with this performance…” which makes me aware of my growth over the years.

    As you get better, your ideal gets higher as well.

    S: Yep. It goes like this (he shows the cat and mouse game* with his hands). I think it’ll always be like this. (laughs)

    When will you reach your ideal self?

    S: Never, I think, since it’s my ‘ideal’. Everyone gets hooked on things that they can’t do/don’t have, so I don’t think I will ever reach my ideal self.

    You’ve never even thought, “I’m getting closer to my ideal self”?

    S: I honestly don’t know. For jumps, one day I can randomly easily land some jump, but expression isn’t something that gets good all of the sudden. I will slowly get better and better by practicing while being conscious of it everyday, and then, I will move onto my next step. That’s the speed of my pace, so I think I’ll have to tackle it slowly for many many years.

    So that is the root of your perseverance.

    S: Eh, I don’t think I’m giving any effort in the aspect of expressions. The skaters around me do dance lessons and such. I don’t even do much practice of my skating skills, I just repeat the same programs over and over again everyday. By doing the same programs for one season, I can feel it myself that the program is getting better and better. But when I start something new, I just cannot move my body well. I think that’s where the gap is between the other skaters and me.

    Whose expressions do you think are really good?

    S: There is something different about each and everyone that I like. For example, I really like the way Javier’s skating just flows non stop and that there’s always a story to it. Jason Brown’s every little movements are so pretty, and for skating skills, I like Patrick Chan’s. And the skater who has all of that combined is Yuzu-kun I think. Honestly there are so many great skaters, they let me learn so many things.

    And that’s where you think Hanyu’s strength is?

    S: Amongst many of the skaters who are good at specific elements, Yuzu-kun is the one who has the highest abilities in all aspects.

    Are there any elements which you think you are better at (than Yuzuru)?

    S: Nothing at all. Honestly.

    Then how did you get such high marks and won silver at Worlds?

    S: My jumps just happened to land. I think it was because I had my emotions under control. But it was also because of luck, since this is a sport.

    Isn’t your improvement in controlling your emotions an aspect of your growth?

    S: I don’t think there are many skaters who are always able to control their emotions every time, I mean I’ve never seen a skater like that. My free skate just happened to go well, so if I were asked to do the same thing over again, there is no way I can, so I don’t think I’ve necessarily become good at controlling my emotions.

    Every season, you’ve clearly achieved new accomplishments, but personally, how do you think your balance is in terms of growth?

    S: I think I’m gradually growing in each different aspect. My feelings towards skating and the way I perceive it has changed, and the way I think before competitions has grown by looking back at bad competitions and thinking “I shouldn’t do that again”. My technical skills have been improving non stop, so I think I’m getting better in all aspects.

    It feels to me as if you get better and better as you compete more and more. How about you?

    S: I think my performance at Worlds gave me a lot of confidence. The reason why I was able to perform the way I did at WTT was probably because of the continuation of my confidence from Worlds. But rather than saying I’m improving at every competition, it’s more like I improve in my practices before whenever there is a competition. When I think, “I’m going to be in a competition!”, there are a lot of improvements in my practices.

    In the second half of the season, didn’t it get a bit tough for you competing in 4CC, AWG, CDP, Worlds, and WTT, five competitions in total?

    S: I mean I kind of wanted to see what would happen to me, and the way I think has changed. Many things, including things I wasn’t expecting, caused me to change.

    Right now, how do you perceive your position in mens figure skating?

    S: I do think I can say that I’m able to compete in the top level than last season.

    Do you sometimes imagine what position you will be in at the Pyeongchang Olympics?

    S: Hmm. I haven’t really thought specifically about that in regards to the Olympics. The surrounding circumstances changed so much in this one year. Thinking back to the start of this season, it’s changed so much that I think, “Was it really just one year?” so I can’t imagine how it will be like in one year.

    Do you think about the color of your medal?

    S: That, I don’t think about either. I only think, “I don’t want to lose”, and I haven’t really thought about specific placements or anything. I do sometimes imagine my performances, but I’m usually full of negative thoughts, since I am the type of person who tends to worry a lot, so I normally think about the worst scenarios, and think, “What should I do if this happens” and “I think this will happen”.

    I’m assuming you will continue to step your foot into unknown (impossible) areas, but can you imagine what you will do beyond that?

    S: Well, not really. First of all, it’s not unknown/impossible. I of course think quintuple jumps are impossible. But I don’t think the 4A is that impossible. I think the cases which are impossible are doing the entire free with just quads or challenging quints which aren’t even in the scoring system.

    So that means there is a possibility that you will be doing the 4A?

    S: I think people will eventually start doing it. I don’t think most skaters will strain themselves to do it because of the fear of injuries, but despite that, there will be skaters who will be able to land it eventually, no?

    How about you?

    S: If someone starts doing it, I’ll do it. (laughs) Until someone starts doing it, I think, “It’s a jump that nobody is doing, so it’s okay that I can’t do it”, which makes me run away from my feelings. But if someone lands it, I think, “Oh, it’s possible for humans to land that”, which changes my feelings into trying it out in practices. (laughs)

    Was it like that for the 4lo?

    S: Yep. I had it in my head that 4los are something that are impossible to stabilize without even trying them, but when Yuzu-kun landed them, I thought, “Wow, it is possible to stabilize it to that extent”.

    That type of motive is what gives you the energy to move forward.

    S: Yes. Us mens single skaters are battling against each other, while growing together at the same time.

    This season’s competitions have ended, and preparation for next season will begin quickly, but what are you thinking about regarding your programs for next season?

    S: That, I think, would be answered a lot quicker if you ask my coach. (laughs)

    So you are planning to have your short and free choreographed by Coach Mihoko Higuchi again?

    S: Yes. But I don’t know how the program will be like. (laughs) I can’t even imagine what she is thinking about.

    In terms of technique, what are your plans?

    S: Since it is offseason now, I think I can do some unreasonable things (that he didn’t do during the season because he would have gotten tired/injured). I think there will be more practices during which I will specifically practice my jumps, but in order to not get injured, I will practice without forgetting that it is important to refine the techniques I have already.

    Does Coach Higuchi also help you with your technical skills?

    S: During practices with Coach Higuchi, it’s more like we have conversations than her telling me what to do. First, after I skate around the rink once, I tell her about my physical condition, by telling her things like “I don’t think I can move very well today” or “I can kind of move today”. After starting practices, I go and tell her what I feel like “Nope, not today” or “This part of my body isn’t moving well”.

    Do you feel that she watches over you rather than coaching you?

    S: Yes. I’ve rarely been told “You must do this at this part” by her. Sometimes, she says things like “Maybe you should do this?” My coach and I think like that together and that is how my practices go. Coach Mihoko really respects me so much, which gives me the need to work harder and really focus. I am so thankful of her.

    Speaking of guidance, Mao Asada, who has pulled you in the direction of figure skating, retired quite recently. What are your feelings towards that?

    S: Hm, the reason why people say that I ‘practice a lot’ is because when I watched Mao-chan when I was little, I thought, “One must practice that much and be that focused in order to compete with the top skaters”. I thought it was normal for top skaters to practice like how she did, so when people tell me, “You practice so much”, I don’t think so at all, because to me, the amount that Mao-chan practiced is the norm. She has been such a great role model for me, and even from now on, she is someone I really look up to and respect as a skater.

    In addition, you have grown up like brother and sister since you were very little with Kanako Murakami, who announced her retirement at the WTT exhibition. What are your feelings towards her retirement?

    S: I’ve always played with Kana-chan since we were very little, and we’ve always been on the ice together. When I was young, I was especially terrible at spins, but she always said things like “You can do this, you can do that”, and I discovered there were so many types of spins and positions, which let me be able to do many different types of spins. I think this was the result of all the games Kana-chan and I played everyday.

    I think you were the person who got to watch Kanako’s fight throughout her career the closest. How does it feel thinking back?

    S: Hmm… (after he thinks for awhile, he said, as if his feelings were overflowing): I’ve had countless fights with Kana-chan. Since our thoughts towards skating are very different, they often collided. That is why we’ve always been close like how we are now, and we’ve both boosted each other up. This is why I am how I am today.

    Thank you so much. Finally, please say a message to your fans.

    S: I was able to spend a very good season this year, and I think I was able to perform well at Worlds and WTT, and I think I found what I need to work on for next season, so I will continue to work hard on those elements, and I would like to strive in order to end the next season also with a smile and think, ‘I’m so glad it happened’!

    (While signing the poster)

    When you were asked for the first part of this magazine this season (Quadruple 2017), “What type of music do you listen to when you warm up?” you answered “I don’t listen to any music”. But after that, we could see that you were jogging around behind the rink with your headphones on. Did your thinking change?

    S: That’s right. (laughs) I didn’t listen to any music up until then, but since the Finals (GPF?) I’ve been listening to music while warming up. Actually, I don’t really like warming up and jogging, but if I listen to music, my thoughts towards jogging drift away and I realized that I can run longer when I listen to music. (laughs) That’s why I started listening to music during the warm up. Rather than pumping up my feelings, it’s to make my mind drift somewhere else. The songs I listen to aren’t songs you would think athletes listen to, but I listen to the “Your Name” soundtrack and the other songs, I don’t really know the titles of. (laughs)

    03.06.17, 18 HOURS AGO
  11. .
    Per vedere BS Asahi
  12. .
    Sì è vero!!! Esiste un progetto per un video (forse un dvd) in inglese!!!!!!!!!!! :happy_fox: :happy_fox: :happy_fox: :happy_fox: :happy_fox:

    In addition, we plan to develop and broadcast the English version of the movie of this performance from now on and develop it to overseas people in an easy-to-understand manner.

    Altre foto dal backstage - quei costumi e quei trucchi continuano a lasciarmi a bocca aperta











  13. .
    Nobunari Oda / Daisuke Takahashi / Takahiko Kozuka Brot3 :woot_jump: :woot_jump:

    Mao Asada / Akiko Suzuki / Kanako Murakami Sis3 :woot_jump: :woot_jump:

    La banda riunita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. .
    Abbiamo qualche foto.... in mancanza d'altro guardiamoci quelle!!



    Last scene 🗡📔✨


    In questo tweet di Mai Asada, il cast al completo e lo staff in un momento di "incitamento collettivo" - non so come altro chiamarlo :lol: ma non ho capito se prima del debutto o al termine della prima giornata. Mai (con i fiori nell'acconciatura) e Kanako sono proprio davanti all'obbiettivo e poi, sulla sinistra di Kana, Nobu, Shizuka, un altra persona (forse l'amico e pattinatore Akio Sasaki) e Dai.

    Edited by LaPat - 21/5/2017, 21:13
  15. .
    Riposto dal thread su Daisuke

    Oggi ci sono stati i primi due spettacoli di HYOEN 2017 BASARA. Le fan che ci sono andate hanno scritto commenti entusiasti sui social: lo spettacolo è grandioso e Dai è stato superlativo.

    1st performance of "Hyoen" is finished and IT WAS JUST AMAZING!! Kabuki, figure skating, taiko, projection mapping and so much more!
    Daisuke Takahashi skated, jumped, battled, danced both traditional Japanese and super cool contemporary. Such carisma, such glamour


    Tutto quello che abbiamo sono foto della pista prima dello show (ne posto solo una ma i social sono pieni)



    e due foto durante i saluti finali - che meraviglia :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


    Non è molto :cry.gif: :cry.gif: e non si hanno notizie di possibile messa in onda in tv. Speriamo che almeno gli dedichino qualche servizio

    Edited by LaPat - 21/5/2017, 21:11
171 replies since 31/3/2015