2011 ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships

28-02 / 06-03 – Gangneung, Korea

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    Mondiali Junior 2011, Russia e Cina in testa dopo i primi corti
    Da: www.artonice.it
    I Mondiali Junior sono entrati nel vivo con la SD e il corto coppie. Si è iniziato nella mattina coreana con la danza, che ha visto le 24 coppie (una in meno del previsto, si sono ritirati prima della gara i cechi Prochazkova/Ceska) darsi battaglia per entrare nel numero dei 20 ammessi alla fase finale. Netto il dominio della coppia russa Monko/Khaliavin, grande favorita, mentre i secondi e i terzi classificati sono vicinissimi tra loro nel punteggio. Segue poi un gruppetto di quattro coppie comprese in due punti; nel libero sarà battaglia. Si sono qualificati per il libero Sofia Sforza e Francesco Fioretti, ventesimi.

    Ksenia Monko e Kirill Khaliavin (60,62) hanno già ipotecato la vittoria prendendo quasi cinque punti di vantaggio. Senza sbavature la loro armoniosa SD sul valzer Padam, padam, padam di Edith Piaf che ha ottenuto i migliori components; bene anche gli elementi tecnici, per loro livelli 4 in entrambe le sequenze del valzer viennese (unici del segmento), nei twizzles e nel sollevamento, solo nella sequenza di passi non sono stati del tutto efficaci, con un livello 2.
    Li seguono con 55,76 i connazionali Pushkas/Guerreiro, che hanno avuto problemi nei twizzles, solo di livello 2 come i passi. Meglio di loro nel tecnico hanno fatto gli americani Lichtman/Copely, brillanti soprattutto nei passi (di livello 3 e premiati da un +1 di GoE), che però hanno spuntato components inferiori, piazzandosi con 55,28, nuovo primato personale, al terzo posto.
    Quarti con 52,00 gli slovacchi Visnova/Csolley, anche per loro è arrivato il nuovo record di punteggio della SD, pattinata in modo pulito.
    Al quinto posto un'altra coppia americana, Cannuscio/McManus (50,94, nuovo PB) che hanno perso qualche punto nelle sequenze di valzer, solo di livello 2. Nessun problema sul valzer invece per i russi Kosigina/Moroshkin che però hanno un po' pasticciato nella midline (lui è inciampato proprio alla fine) e nei twizzles, fermandosi alle spalle degli americani per pochissimo (50,88). Ancora sui 50 punti gli estoni Shtork/Rand, settimi.
    Sofia Sforza e Francesco Fioretti con 38,73 hanno agguantato l'ultimo posto a disposizione per il libero. I nostri atleti hanno ottenuto un TES superiore a quello delle due coppie che li precedono in classifica (bene il rotational lift di livello 4, poi leggere penalità di GoE sugli altri elementi), ma purtroppo components bassi, soprattutto alle voci interpretazione e coreografia.

    Nello short Coppie, netto il distacco tra i primi tre e il resto dei concorrenti. Il podio se lo giocheranno come lo scorso anno, salvo sorprese, i cinesi Sui/Han e i giapponesi Takahashi/Tran, con i russi Stolbova/Klimov pronti ad approfittare di eventuali errori. Si sono ben comportati Carolina Gillespie e Luca Dematté, che col dodicesimo posto entrano nella finale a 16 coppie.

    Sui/Han (59,16) e Takahashi/Tran (57,95) hanno eseguito entrambi un programma pulito, spuntando quasi identici livelli (meglio il twist per i giapponesi) ma il calcolo dei GoE ha favorito per circa tre decimi i cinesi; bello soprattutto il loro 3T lanciato. Un altro punto è stato guadagnato nel secondo punteggio, ma il margine di vantaggio totale è piccolo, sarà una bella lotta nel libero.
    Anche i russi Stolbova/Klimov (54,21) hanno pattinato bene, ma l'atterraggio impreciso del 3T lanciato ha fatto la differenza; inferiori anche i components.
    Quarti, con 47,33 punti (nuovo PB), i canadesi Purich/Schultz; anche per loro penalizzato il lanciato, oltre a imprecisioni nella trottola in parallelo e alla spirale interna indietro solo di livello 2.
    Seguono al quinto e sesto posto i giovani russi Astakhova/Bochkov (46,67) e Vasilieva/Shevchuk (45,83), rispettivamente terzi e secondi ai nazionali junior.
    Al decimo posto troviamo la coppia svizzera Morand/Leeman (40,74), qui alla seconda gara internazionale, giusto quel che serviva per ottenere il punteggio minimo per essere ammessi ai campionati, dopo neanche un anno insieme.
    Carolina Gillespie e Luca Dematté (39,93) hanno eseguito bene il 2Lo sbs, il sollevamento e la sequenza di passi, di livello 3; problemi nell'atterraggio del 3T lanciato e nella spirale, di livello 1 e con leggera penalità.
  2.     +1   -1


    Junior Men SP
    1 Keegan MESSING
    72.58 1
    2 Artur DMITRIEV
    68.91 2
    3 Andrei ROGOZINE
    67.27 3
    4 Alexander MAJOROV
    67.12 4
    5 Max AARON
    66.96 5
    6 Keiji TANAKA
    64.06 6
    7 Jason BROWN
    62.64 7
    8 Han YAN
    60.89 8
    60.48 9
    10 Zhan BUSH
    59.58 10
    11 Stanislav PERTSOV
    58.79 11
    12 Ryuichi KIHARA
    58.75 12
    13 Jorik HENDRICKX
    57.89 13
    14 Gordei GORSHKOV
    56.37 14
    15 Kento NAKAMURA
    55.33 15
    16 Jiaxing LIU
    54.88 16
    17 Petr COUFAL
    52.70 17
    18 Vitali LUCHANOK
    51.27 18
    19 Romain PONSART
    50.92 19
    20 Bela PAPP
    49.77 20
    21 Viktor ROMANENKOV
    49.63 21
    22 Denis WIECZOREK
    48.75 22
    23 Kamil BIALAS
    46.93 23
    24 Liam FIRUS
    46.90 24
    25 Tomi PULKKINEN
    FNR 25
    26 Saverio GIACOMELLI
    FNR 26
    27 Ondrej SPIEGL
    FNR 27
    28 Jordan JU
    FNR 28
    29 Francesc PALAU
    FNR 29
    30 Dong-Won LEE
    FNR 30

    Details SP
    1 Keegan MESSING USA 72.58 41.07 31.51 6.61 6.00 6.36 6.18 6.36 0.00 #27
    2 Artur DMITRIEV RUS 68.91 38.90 30.01 6.11 5.64 6.11 6.11 6.04 0.00 #28
    3 Andrei ROGOZINE CAN 67.27 37.59 29.68 6.11 5.61 6.00 6.00 5.96 0.00 #30
    4 Alexander MAJOROV SWE 67.12 37.83 29.29 5.82 5.43 5.79 6.04 6.21 0.00 #20
    5 Max AARON USA 66.96 38.07 28.89 6.00 5.43 5.96 5.75 5.75 0.00 #16
    6 Keiji TANAKA JPN 64.06 35.81 28.25 5.93 5.32 5.71 5.75 5.54 0.00 #8
    7 Jason BROWN USA 62.64 34.07 28.57 5.89 5.46 5.79 5.79 5.64 0.00 #3
    8 Han YAN CHN 60.89 31.96 28.93 6.07 5.50 5.89 5.79 5.68 0.00 #21
    9 Abzal RAKIMGALIEV KAZ 60.48 33.65 26.83 5.43 4.79 5.36 5.61 5.64 0.00 #26
    10 Zhan BUSH RUS 59.58 31.40 28.18 5.79 5.25 5.64 5.79 5.71 0.00 #29
    11 Stanislav PERTSOV UKR 58.79 32.66 26.13 5.46 4.89 5.32 5.25 5.21 0.00 #15
    12 Ryuichi KIHARA JPN 58.75 30.96 27.79 5.86 5.29 5.68 5.50 5.46 0.00 #14
    13 Jorik HENDRICKX BEL 57.89 30.74 27.15 5.61 5.18 5.50 5.43 5.43 0.00 #25
    14 Gordei GORSHKOV RUS 56.37 27.65 29.72 6.00 5.82 5.79 6.07 6.04 1.00 #22
    15 Kento NAKAMURA JPN 55.33 27.12 29.21 6.04 5.57 5.64 5.96 6.00 1.00 #23
    16 Jiaxing LIU CHN 54.88 27.49 27.39 5.79 5.14 5.61 5.46 5.39 0.00 #24
    17 Petr COUFAL CZE 52.70 27.67 25.03 5.14 4.71 5.07 5.07 5.04 0.00 #13
    18 Vitali LUCHANOK BLR 51.27 29.44 21.83 4.54 4.11 4.39 4.54 4.25 0.00 #2
    19 Romain PONSART FRA 50.92 25.91 26.01 5.36 4.79 5.07 5.36 5.43 1.00 #17
    20 Bela PAPP FIN 49.77 27.06 22.71 4.71 4.32 4.61 4.64 4.43 0.00 #7
    21 Viktor ROMANENKOV EST 49.63 26.55 23.08 4.79 4.36 4.61 4.75 4.57 0.00 #9
    22 Denis WIECZOREK GER 48.75 24.00 24.75 5.18 4.61 5.00 5.00 4.96 0.00 #19
    23 Kamil BIALAS POL 46.93 23.93 23.00 4.75 4.32 4.64 4.68 4.61 0.00 #12
    24 Liam FIRUS CAN 46.90 21.47 26.43 5.39 5.11 5.04 5.50 5.39 1.00 #18
    25 Tomi PULKKINEN SUI 46.82 23.67 23.15 4.86 4.29 4.61 4.71 4.68 0.00 #6
    26 Saverio GIACOMELLI ITA 46.65 24.26 22.39 4.68 4.14 4.50 4.57 4.50 0.00 #4
    27 Ondrej SPIEGL SWE 44.83 21.94 22.89 4.68 4.50 4.46 4.61 4.64 0.00 #11
    28 Jordan JU TPE 43.95 23.06 20.89 4.50 3.93 4.21 4.18 4.07 0.00 #10
    29 Francesc PALAU ESP 43.49 21.64 21.85 4.46 4.07 4.43 4.46 4.43 0.00 #1
    30 Dong-Won LEE KOR 42.25 20.43 21.82 4.75 4.11 4.32 4.39 4.25 0.00 #5
  3.     +1   -1


    Junior Pairs Results
    1 Wenjing SUI / Cong HAN
    167.01 1 1
    2 Ksenia STOLBOVA / Fedor KLIMOV
    159.60 3 2
    3 Narumi TAKAHASHI / Mervin TRAN
    154.52 2 3
    4 Ashley CAIN / Joshua REAGAN
    135.40 8 4
    5 Natasha PURICH / Raymond SCHULTZ
    129.97 4 6
    6 Brittany JONES / Kurtis GASKELL
    129.28 7 5
    7 Kristina ASTAKHOVA / Nikita BOCHKOV
    118.75 5 11
    8 Klara KADLECOVA / Petr BIDAR
    117.24 9 9
    9 Cassie ANDREWS / Timothy LEDUC
    117.11 11 7
    10 Carolina GILLESPIE / Luca DEMATTE
    116.44 12 8
    11 Alexandra VASILIEVA / Yuri SHEVCHUK
    114.98 6 12
    12 Anais MORAND / Timothy LEEMANN
    113.30 10 10
    106.99 13 13
    14 Magdalena KLATKA / Radoslaw CHRUSCINSKI
    103.13 15 14
    15 Julia LAVRENTIEVA / Yuri RUDIK
    102.29 14 15
    16 Stina MARTINI / Severin KIEFER
    96.53 16 16
    17 Rachel EPSTEIN / Dmitry EPSTEIN
    FNR 17
    18 Maria PALYAKOVA / Mikhail FOMICHEV
    FNR 18
    19 Catherine CLEMENT / James HUNT
    FNR 19

    Details FS
    1 Wenjing SUI / Cong HAN CHN 107.85 56.13 52.72 6.71 6.39 6.57 6.57 6.71 1.00 #16
    2 Ksenia STOLBOVA / Fedor KLIMOV RUS 105.39 53.48 51.91 6.61 6.11 6.54 6.50 6.68 0.00 #13
    3 Narumi TAKAHASHI / Mervin TRAN JPN 96.67 45.11 52.56 6.64 6.46 6.68 6.57 6.50 1.00 #14
    4 Ashley CAIN / Joshua REAGAN USA 91.66 47.66 44.00 5.64 5.18 5.64 5.43 5.61 0.00 #12
    5 Brittany JONES / Kurtis GASKELL CAN 84.64 42.08 42.56 5.39 5.07 5.46 5.36 5.32 0.00 #10
    6 Natasha PURICH / Raymond SCHULTZ CAN 82.64 39.59 43.05 5.61 5.18 5.36 5.36 5.39 0.00 #15
    7 Cassie ANDREWS / Timothy LEDUC USA 76.95 38.72 39.23 4.89 4.64 4.96 5.07 4.96 1.00 #7
    8 Carolina GILLESPIE / Luca DEMATTE ITA 76.51 39.67 36.84 4.57 4.46 4.79 4.64 4.57 0.00 #6
    9 Klara KADLECOVA / Petr BIDAR CZE 74.34 36.39 37.95 5.00 4.54 4.86 4.64 4.68 0.00 #8
    10 Anais MORAND / Timothy LEEMANN SUI 72.56 38.03 34.53 4.50 4.11 4.36 4.29 4.32 0.00 #5
    11 Kristina ASTAKHOVA / Nikita BOCHKOV RUS 72.08 33.13 39.95 5.25 5.00 4.86 5.07 4.79 1.00 #11
    12 Alexandra VASILIEVA / Yuri SHEVCHUK RUS 69.15 30.78 41.37 5.29 5.04 5.07 5.25 5.21 3.00 #9
    13 Anna KHNYCHENKOVA / Mark MAGYAR HUN 68.64 37.46 32.18 4.21 3.86 4.04 4.07 3.93 1.00 #4
    14 Magdalena KLATKA / Radoslaw CHRUSCINSKI POL 66.10 36.60 30.50 3.96 3.71 3.89 3.86 3.64 1.00 #3
    15 Julia LAVRENTIEVA / Yuri RUDIK UKR 65.08 34.16 30.92 4.00 3.61 3.96 3.93 3.82 0.00 #2
    16 Stina MARTINI / Severin KIEFER AUT 60.75 32.54 28.21 3.79 3.32 3.57 3.57 3.39 0.00 #1
  4.     +1   -1


    Pairs short

    Wenjing Sui and Cong Han of China took a narrow lead over Japan's Narumi Takahashi and Mervin Tran in the Pairs short program at the ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships on Wednesday in Gangneung, Korea. Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov of Russia came in third, and so the standings after the short program are the same from the previous year.

    Sui and Han gave a fast-paced performance to American country music and nailed all their elements: a double Axel, double twist, high throw triple toeloop, a toe lasso lift where he lifts her up on just one hand, and a level-four side by side spin and death spiral. The reigning World Junior Champions got 59.16 points.

    "Today we feel very good about our short program," Han said. "It was something special tonight. We also want to congratulate our competitors."

    Takahashi and Tran are just 1.31 points behind at 57.85 points. It was a seasons best for the Japanese-Canadian duo. Their routine to Feeling Good included a double Axel, a double twist, and a throw triple toeloop, and looked very smooth and elegant. The twist, the lift, the side by side spin and the death spiral all were graded a level four.

    "We are very happy with the way we skated," Tran commented. "It was one of the best performances of the short program this season."

    Some observers felt that Takahashi and Tran should have been in first place today.

    Stolbova and Klimov started with a double twist, but then she put down both hands on the throw triple toe. The double Axel was solid again, and the defending bronze medalists were awarded a level four for the lasso lift, spin, and death spiral, and scored 54.21 points - just below their season's best. The performance to Asturias overall was crisp and characteristic.

    "Overall we are pleased with our performance," offered Klimov. "We made one mistake, but everything else was good. Our competitors were better than we were tonight, so the result is justified."

    "I don't really know what went wrong," Stolbova said, referring to her error. "I wanted to do it (the throw jump) beautifully, and maybe I was overexcited. I was thinking of the first place and apparently that disturbed my concentration. I should have been calmer."

    There was a visible gap between the top three and the lower ranked couples. Natasha Purich and Raymond Schultz of Canada placed fourth with 47.33 points. Skating to a Greek Sirtaki, they completed a double Axel and level-four spin and lift, but she touched down with her hand on the throw triple toe.

    "It is pretty amazing for us sitting in fourth place," Purich commented. "Tomorrow we just want to have fun and do our best." "It was a little shaky in some spots, but pretty good all around," her partner added. "It was a seasons best. We can't really complain about that and to be 4th behind last year's medalists is very good."

    Russia's Kristina Astakhova and Nikolai Bochkov, who compete in their first Junior World just like the Canadians, finished fifth (46.67 points). They skated to Tango Amore and produced a solid double Axel, double twist, and level-four side by side spin, but she stepped out of the throw triple toe and their lift was only a level two.

    "It was mediocre," a critical Bochkov said. "We could have done everything better, but basically we did very well for ourselves. We skated poorly at our Junior Grand Prix in Austria, but this was our first international event, and now we felt much more comfortable."

    Alexandra Vasilieva and Yuri Shevchuk from St. Petersburg came in sixth. She two-footed the double Axel, and it was downgraded, but their other elements were solid. USA's Ashley Cain and Joshua Reagan had bad luck. He fell on the double Axel and realized that his lace had come undone. He needed a break to fix it. The couple finished eighth.
  5.     +1   -1


    Men Short

    The Men's competition at the ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships was the most open with no real top favorite. USA's Richard Dornbush, who had won the Junior Final with strong performances, qualified for the World Championships and none of last year's medalists had returned.

    In the end, it was USA's Keegan Messing who came out on top today, followed by Artur Dmitriev of Russian and Canada's Andrei Rogozine. While Messing has a lead of 3.67 points over Dmitriev, the skaters ranked second through fifth are separated by less than two points, and a lot still can happen in the free skating on Saturday. Overall it was a good event with only four falls in the 30 programs.

    Performing to Robin Hood, Messing hit a triple Axel, triple Lutz-triple toe, the required triple loop out of footwork, and produced fast spins with difficult positions. The change sit spin garnered a level four, while the other two spins and the step sequence a level three. The American was very dynamic and his jumps were high. The 19-year-old scored 72.58 points, a new seasons best.

    "I just went out to have fun, to leave the ice with no regrets," Messing said. "After every element, my energy increased and and increased, and I left the ice feeling like I'm on top of the world. I couldn't have felt any better."

    "This time (in the free skating), I would very much like to skate clean, go out there with the same mentality like in the short program, have some fun, skate clean," he added.

    "Hopefully I can land my quad again in competition," Messing added when asked what he wants to do in order to stay in the top three after failing to do so last season at Junior Worlds. Compared to last year, he felt that he has grown in overall strength, carriage, skating skills and performance-wise. Messing also revealed that he broke a skate lace before he got on to the ice.

    "So I just had to tie it together before I stepped on the ice, but other than that it has been going really well," he explained. "I felt really confident for this competition."

    Dmitriev's powerful performance to Nostradamus featured a big triple Axel, a triple Lutz-triple toe (he was a little off balance on the toe), triple loop, and he had the same levels for his spins and steps as Messing. With 68.91 points, the Russian improved his seasons best by 8.40 points.

    "Today I went out and tried my best, and everything worked out very well," the 18-year-old said at the post event press conference. "This is why I sit here right now."

    Dmitriev's heel had come loose in the preliminary round on Monday, and has been fixed and is not bothering him anymore. Unlike Messing and Rogozine, he had to skate in the preliminary round, but felt ok about it.

    "On the one hand it was an advantage (to skate in the preliminary round), because I was not so scared to go out on the ice for the short program," Dmitriev explained. "I'm used to the ice. On the other hand, I was a little more tired than the other guys, but overall I think it was good to skate before the competition."

    Rogozine completed a triple Axel, triple flip-triple toe, triple loop, and level-three spins in his routine to a modern arrangement of Edvard Grieg's Piano Concerto in A Minor. He, too, achieved a new seasons best with 67.27 points.

    "I was also trying my best," the Russian-born Canadian said. "In practice before this competition, my short wasn't going very well every day. But I just went out there and did it and after my performance I had a season's best. At Nationals this year, I didn't do so well, and after that I kind of kicked myself and started to train harder."

    Alexander Majorov had chosen a fun number to Austin Powers and pulled off a triple Axel, triple Lutz-triple toe, but did a three-turn out of his triple loop. The Russian-born Swede got a level four for two spins and a level three for the other one and the footwork to post a season's best of 67.12 points. His previous seasons best was 62.67 points. He finished fourth.

    USA's Max Aaron's program to "Tango de Roxanne" included a triple Axel, triple Lutz-triple toe, triple loop and had a level four for the combo spin and a level three for the sit spin and the step sequence. He slightly surpassed his seasons best with 66.96 points and is currently sitting in fifth place.

    "I thought it went very well," the U.S. Junior Champion said. "I was happy with the things that I've done. I stayed committed with every single jump and spin and performed it the best I can. This was my last event of the year, so I wanted do it the best I can."

    Keiji Tanaka of Japan had to skate in the second warm up group. The Japanese followed up on his win in the preliminary round with another clean performance. Performing to Violentango by Astor Piazzolla, he landed the first triple Axel of the day, a triple flip-triple toe combo, and the required triple loop. His change foot sit spin was a level four, but the camel spin didn't have many features and merited just a level one. The 16-year-old maintained good speed throughout, but didn't have a strong connection to his music. With a score of 64.06 points, Tanaka improved his seasons best by 5.78 points.

    "As this is my first major competition, I was terribly nervous," admitted Tanaka. "I wanted to get into the last warm up group for the free skating so much in order to stay competitive. Considering how nervous I was, I'm pleased with my performance."

    USA's Jason Brown opened his Spanish themed program to Baliwood with a high double Axel, followed by a triple Lutz-triple toe and a triple loop. His spins were all fast and well centered, plus he showed off his flexibility in the positions to pick up a level four for all of them. He earned a new seasons best of 62.64 points.

    Han Yan of China skated a lively program to Cotton Club, but he doesn't have a triple Axel yet and stepped out of the triple loop to place eighth with 60.89 points.
  6.     +1   -1


    Mondiali Junior 2011, assegnato alla Cina il primo oro, decimi Gillespie/Dematté
    Da: www.artonice.it
    Il secondo giorno di gare ha visto scendere in pista per il corto i ragazzi, mentre le coppie hanno concluso la loro fatica con il libero. I giovani Sui/Han (nella foto courtesy J. Barry Mittan), che tanto hanno impressionato nelle gare delle ultime due stagioni, si sono confermati campioni mondiali junior. E' ancora in corso l'indagine sulla veridicità delle loro età, di cui nulla è trapelato finora; i due ragazzi non sembrano però averne risentito più di tanto.
    Da segnalare il buon decimo posto della nostra coppia di artistico, che ha saputo risalire decisamente in classifica. Niente da fare invece per Saverio Giacomelli, che non parteciperà al libero. Ecco però i dettagli.

    Vittoria di tutto rispetto, quella dei cinesi Wenjing Sui e Cong Han (167,01), con più di 7 punti di vantaggio sui secondi classificati, i russi Stolbova/Klimov. A dire il vero, il distacco nel libero non è stato così grande, ma si è aggiunto a quello più ampio del corto. I due cinesi, scesi per ultimi sul ghiaccio, hanno commesso errori nei salti sbs, con la mancata sequenza di 2A per la caduta di lei e il 3T sottoruotato. Hanno compensato alla grande col loro famoso 4S lanciato, riuscito anche se arrivato su due piedi, e sollevamenti, trottole e spirale tutti di livello 4. I loro components sono stati i migliori.
    Ksenia Stolbova e Fedor Klimov (159,60) hanno tenuto i nervi saldi ed hanno saputo pattinare un buon libero, con lanciati sicuri e ampi, una combo in parallelo 3T2T2T perfettamente eseguita e livelli alti in tutti i loro elementi tecnici. Unica sbavatura sul 2A sbs su cui Ksenia ha lottato e components inferiori.
    Hanno invece risentito della pressione i giapponesi Narumi Takahashi e Mervin Tran (a loro il bronzo con 154,52) che hanno concluso il libero con 8 punti in meno dei russi e ben 11 in meno dei cinesi nel punteggio tecnico, superati anche dagli americani Cain/Reagan; li hanno sostenuti i components, i secondi della gara. Per loro i problemi sono venuti soprattutto dai salti sbs, col 3S di apertura impreciso, poi la mancata sequenza di 2A per la caduta di Narumi, il primo axel pure sottoruotato; Il twist solo doppio e la mano appoggiata sul 3S lanciato hanno completato il quadro. Peccato, sempre belli e particolari i loro sollevamenti.
    Al quarto posto appunto Cain/Reagan (135,40) che nel libero hanno compiuto un piccolo capolavoro rimontando quattro posizioni. Buoni i loro salti sbs, compresa la sequenza di 2A anche se un po' fuori unisono, riusciti i tripli lanciati, sicura e sincrona la trottola in parallelo. Piccole imprecisioni qua e là, soprattutto il doppio twist non è stato eccelso, ma per i due ragazzi, campioni nazionali junior in carica al loro primo Mondiale, è arrivato il nuovo record personale del libero e totale.
    Seguono le due coppie canadesi, Purich/Schultz (129,97) e Jones/Gaskell (129,28), praticamente appaiate, risultato dell'arretramento di due posizioni dei primi, rispetto al corto, e della risalita analoga dei secondi. I russi Astakhova/Bochkov (118,75) hanno perso posizioni terminando settimi dopo un deludente undicesimo libero.
    Sono invece riusciti a risalire Carolina Gillespie e Luca Dematté (116,44, nuovo record personale) con un buon ottavo libero, il sesto anzi a livello tecnico. Hanno iniziato con un bel sollevamento, poi un doppio twist non perfetto, 2F sbs pulito e 3S lanciato un po' impreciso; il programma è proseguito senza grandi intoppi anche nella seconda parte, solo leggere imprecisioni nella sequenza 2F1Lo2T e nella trottola combinata. Col decimo posto hanno guadagnato due entries per l'Italia nei prossimi campionati.

    Nella categoria maschile, la prima ad essere disputata nella mattina, si è vista una gara di buon livello, con i primi sei che hanno eseguito il triplo axel e la combinazione triplo-triplo ritoccando in su il proprio record personale, solo 4 le cadute tra i 30 concorrenti.
    Ha preso la testa della competizione lo statunitense Keegan Messing (72,58) con un corto inappuntabile iniziato con un 3A alto e sicuro; 3Lz3T la sua combinazione, 3Lo il salto singolo; di buon livello anche i passi e le trottole, una di livello 4.
    Lo segue a poco più di 2 punti, con 68,91, il russo Artur Dmitriev, che si allena adesso a Mosca con Elena Buianova invece che nella natia San Pietroburgo. Identici elementi e livelli per lui che ha perso qualcosa a livello di GoE e di components rispetto a Messing.
    Terzo il canadese Andrei Rogozine (67,27) con un altro programma pulito, per lui 3F3T la combinazione e il livello 4 non raggiunto nelle trottole, peraltro di buona fattura.
    Troviamo al quarto posto lo svedese Alexander Majorov (67,12) che ha sporcato una buona prova (due le trottole di livello massimo) non tenendo l'arrivo del 3Lo.
    Le trottole e i components sono invece state i punti deboli di Max Aaron (66,96), campione americano junior in carica, e di Keiji Tanaka (64,06); puliti i salti, ma una flying camel di livello 2 per il primo e di livello 1 per il secondo (che ha perso un livello anche nei passi) hanno fatto la differenza.
    Il terzo americano Jason Brown (settimo, con 62,64) ha invece eseguito l'axel solo doppio e il lutz col filo sbagliato; errori parzialmente compensati con le trottole, tutte di livello massimo.
    Seguono fino al decimo posto il cinese Han Yan (60,89), il kazako Abzal Rakimgaliev (60,48), il russo Zhan Bush (59,58). Corto deludente invece per il campione nazionale junior giapponese Kento Nakamura, solo 15.o, e per il francese Romain Ponsart, 19.o. Chiude l'elenco dei qualificati per il libero il canadese Liam Firus, 24.o.
    Non ce l'ha fatta, invece Saverio Giacomelli, che ha concluso in 26.a posizione con il punteggio di 46,65, a pochi centesimi dalla qualificazione. Saverio ha eseguito abbastanza bene trottole e passi, ma ha sottoruotato il flip della combinazione 3F2T. Non sarebbe stato tuttavia un grave problema ai fini della classifica, visto che a livello tecnico ha ottenuto un punteggio superiore a Wieczorek, Bialas, Firus e Pulkkinen che lo precedono, purtroppo i components più bassi lo hanno tenuto indietro.
  7.     +1   -1


    Junior Ladies Short Program
    1 Adelina SOTNIKOVA
    59.51 1
    2 Elizaveta TUKTAMISHEVA
    58.60 2
    3 Christina GAO
    56.80 3
    4 Polina SHELEPEN
    56.58 4
    5 Agnes ZAWADZKI
    53.17 5
    6 Miyabi OBA
    51.82 6
    7 Risa SHOJI
    51.49 7
    8 Zijun LI
    51.00 8
    9 Yretha SILETE
    50.24 9
    10 Courtney HICKS
    49.98 10
    11 Yuki NISHINO
    46.09 11
    12 Gerli LIINAMÄE
    44.34 12
    13 Isabelle M. OLSSON
    43.69 13
    14 Alice GARLISI
    43.67 14
    15 Nicole SCHOTT
    41.41 15
    16 Romy BÜHLER
    41.40 16
    17 Patricia GLESCIC
    41.39 17
    18 Ira VANNUT
    41.12 18
    19 Monika SIMANCIKOVA
    39.71 19
    20 Victoria HUEBLER
    39.69 20
    21 Juulia TURKKILA
    39.54 21
    22 Isabel DRESCHER
    38.62 22
    23 Brooklee HAN
    38.28 23
    24 Ho Jung LEE
    38.12 24
    25 Alexandra NAJARRO
    FNR 25
    26 Sila SAYGI
    FNR 26
    27 Alexandra KAMIENIECKI
    FNR 27
    28 Alina FJODOROVA
    FNR 28
    29 Anita MADSEN
    FNR 29
    30 Rebecka EMANUELSSON
    FNR 30

    Details SP
    1 Adelina SOTNIKOVA RUS 59.51 33.97 25.54 6.57 5.96 6.50 6.43 6.46 0.00 #27
    2 Elizaveta TUKTAMISHEVA RUS 58.60 34.12 24.48 6.21 5.64 6.29 6.29 6.18 0.00 #16
    3 Christina GAO USA 56.80 32.86 23.94 6.14 5.64 6.00 6.07 6.07 0.00 #29
    4 Polina SHELEPEN RUS 56.58 33.86 22.72 5.86 5.39 5.82 5.71 5.61 0.00 #22
    5 Agnes ZAWADZKI USA 53.17 29.95 23.22 5.82 5.39 5.96 5.89 5.96 0.00 #25
    6 Miyabi OBA JPN 51.82 30.47 21.35 5.61 5.11 5.46 5.21 5.29 0.00 #5
    7 Risa SHOJI JPN 51.49 28.89 22.60 5.82 5.39 5.50 5.82 5.71 0.00 #11
    8 Zijun LI CHN 51.00 29.84 21.16 5.54 5.00 5.39 5.39 5.14 0.00 #15
    9 Yretha SILETE FRA 50.24 28.69 21.55 5.50 5.07 5.61 5.32 5.43 0.00 #26
    10 Courtney HICKS USA 49.98 29.20 20.78 5.36 4.96 5.32 5.29 5.04 0.00 #1
    11 Yuki NISHINO JPN 46.09 23.92 22.17 5.82 5.29 5.64 5.54 5.43 0.00 #23
    12 Gerli LIINAMÄE EST 44.34 25.62 18.72 4.86 4.50 4.68 4.79 4.57 0.00 #19
    13 Isabelle M. OLSSON SWE 43.69 23.60 20.09 5.18 4.86 4.96 5.04 5.07 0.00 #28
    14 Alice GARLISI ITA 43.67 23.44 20.23 5.11 4.68 5.14 5.07 5.29 0.00 #21
    15 Nicole SCHOTT GER 41.41 23.64 17.77 4.43 4.21 4.54 4.46 4.57 0.00 #4
    16 Romy BÜHLER SUI 41.40 23.20 19.20 4.86 4.43 4.86 4.89 4.96 1.00 #18
    17 Patricia GLESCIC SLO 41.39 23.10 18.29 4.79 4.36 4.64 4.54 4.54 0.00 #20
    18 Ira VANNUT BEL 41.12 22.49 18.63 4.89 4.54 4.54 4.71 4.61 0.00 #24
    19 Monika SIMANCIKOVA SVK 39.71 22.86 18.85 4.89 4.54 4.64 4.79 4.71 2.00 #17
    20 Victoria HUEBLER AUT 39.69 22.20 17.49 4.32 4.25 4.50 4.43 4.36 0.00 #12
    21 Juulia TURKKILA FIN 39.54 20.99 18.55 4.54 4.36 4.75 4.79 4.75 0.00 #7
    22 Isabel DRESCHER GER 38.62 20.45 18.17 4.71 4.21 4.61 4.64 4.54 0.00 #13
    23 Brooklee HAN AUS 38.28 20.62 18.66 4.71 4.29 4.75 4.71 4.86 1.00 #10
    24 Ho Jung LEE KOR 38.12 19.83 18.29 4.75 4.36 4.68 4.61 4.46 0.00 #14
    25 Alexandra NAJARRO CAN 37.04 19.69 18.35 4.64 4.39 4.64 4.64 4.64 1.00 #6
    26 Sila SAYGI TUR 36.77 18.00 18.77 4.54 4.43 4.68 4.86 4.96 0.00 #30
    27 Alexandra KAMIENIECKI POL 36.71 20.20 16.51 4.25 3.89 4.07 4.25 4.18 0.00 #3
    28 Alina FJODOROVA LAT 35.99 20.07 16.92 4.32 4.11 4.25 4.21 4.25 1.00 #8
    29 Anita MADSEN DEN 35.59 18.77 16.82 4.39 3.93 4.21 4.36 4.14 0.00 #2
    30 Rebecka EMANUELSSON SWE 28.47 14.41 15.06 3.79 3.79 3.57 4.00 3.68 1.00 #9
  8.     +1   -1


    Pairs LP
    China's Wenjing Sui and Cong Han repeated as World Junior Pairs Champions. Last year's bronze medalists Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov of Russia took the silver this time, while defending silver medalists Narumi Takahashi and Mervin Tran of Japan earned the bronze on Thursday.

    Sui and Han impressed with speed and powerful throws in their program to City Lights. Of course, the throw quad Salchow was a highlight that earned them 7.57 points although Sui two-footed it. The throw triple flip and triple twist were very strong, and the death spiral and spins garnered a level four.

    The solo jumps didn't work for Sui, however. She crashed on the double Axel (while he did a double Axel-double Axel sequence), and also stumbled badly on an underrotated triple toe. The Chinese team scored 107.85 points, well below their season's best, but still won the free skating and overall with 167.01 points.

    "Today we didn't skate so well," said Han. "My partner fell and we lost some points. I asked my partner, and she said that she doesn't know why she missed the jumps. We talked about it and we think that we need to train harder."

    Some people felt that Stolbova and Klimov should at least have won the free skating, if not the competition. The Russians put out an excellent program to La Strada. Not only did they hit their key elements such as a triple toe-double toe-double toe combination and a beautiful throw triple flip and Salchow, they also earned a level-four for all their non-jump elements.

    The only glitch came when Stolbova stepped out of the double Axel at the end. The team also don't include a triple twist - only a double. Their program was very well constructed and contained difficult transitions and they were expressive. The Russian junior champions scored 105.39 points and racked up a total of 154.52 points to move up one spot from the short program.

    "We are very pleased," Stolbova commented. "We did our job today. We skated clean and we are very happy with that. Now we want to develop further, to work on more difficult elements, on our programs and on everything."

    When asked about what or who inspires them, Klimov answered: "I don't have any special idols I look up to. I am inspired by our programs, our music, and our choreography."

    Takahashi and Tran had won the Junior Final and had high ambitions coming to Korea. The Japanese-Canadian duo didn't skate their best. Their romantic program to The Day You'll Love Me included a high double twist, a throw triple toe, and level four elements like the lifts, the death spiral and the pair combination spin. However, Takahashi struggled with the solo jumps. She fell on the double Axel (and so they lost the sequence) and she two-footed the triple Salchow. They too, have excellent choreography and transitions and look very smooth. Their free skating was worth 96.67 points, and the Junior Grand Prix Final Champions dropped to third at 154.52 points.

    "Today wasn't our best performance," Tran noted, "so we are disappointed with that. But it was a step up from our last competition, and we are happy with that. As long as we're going up, we'll see what happens next."

    "I don't have that many problems with the jumps," Takahashi explained, "but when it comes to side by side jumps, I missed my timing. When I miss my timing, I miss my jumps. I don't worry so much about it. I don't like the Axel, and since Four Continents, my Axel has been a little bit off. But in senior competition we maybe will do two triples and that will be no problem. I have confidence in myself and we can do perfect programs. We are not going to miss jumps anymore."

    USA's Ashley Cain and Joshua Reagan turned in a strong performance to Romeo and Juliet Overture by Peter Tchaikovsky to pull up from eighth to fourth place. The Americans landed a side by side triple Salchow, a throw triple flip and Salchow, as well as a double Axel-double Axel sequence, however, their double twist was messy. The U.S. Junior Champions accumulated 135.40 points overall.

    "We felt great about it," said Cain. "We're just happy that we moved up to fourth, because we are fourth in the World and that feels really great right now."

    "After the short program we talked to our coaches and we realized that we need to put this behind us," she continued, referring to his fall in the short on the double Axel and the shoe laces becoming undone. "We need to not think about it and we knew that we can do a clean long program, and we did it."

    Canadians Natasha Purich and Raymond Schultz slipped from fourth to fifth at 129.97 points. Schultz stumbled and underrotated the triple toe, and in general they looked a little rough around the edges.

    Teammates Brittany Jones and Kurtis Gaskell completed a triple twist, throw triple loop and Salchow, but Jones missed the double Axel.

    The American and Canadian teams were able to secure three spots in the Pairs event for their respective countries for next year.

    The two other Russian teams had rough performances. Kristina Astakhova and Nikita Bochkov finished seventh and Alexandra Vasilieva and Yuri Shevchuk even slipped to 11th after a disastrous outing with two falls from Vasilieva and an aborted lift.
  9.     +1   -1


  10.     +1   -1


    Ice Dance - Results
    1 Ksenia MONKO / Kirill KHALIAVIN
    144.16 1 1
    2 Ekaterina PUSHKASH / Jonathan GUERREIRO
    134.64 2 3
    3 Charlotte LICHTMAN / Dean COPELY
    133.36 3 4
    4 Tiffany ZAHORSKI / Alexis MIART
    128.16 9 2
    5 Nikola VISNOVA / Lukas CSOLLEY
    126.07 4 6
    6 Evgenia KOSIGINA / Nikolai MOROSHKIN
    125.43 6 5
    7 Anastasia CANNUSCIO / Colin MCMANUS
    122.90 5 8
    8 Nicole ORFORD / Thomas WILLIAMS
    122.22 8 7
    9 Sara HURTADO / Adria DIAZ
    120.41 10 10
    10 Irina SHTORK / Taavi RAND
    117.50 7 12
    11 Lauri BONACORSI / Travis MAGER
    117.26 11 11
    12 Gabriella PAPADAKIS / Guillaume CIZERON
    115.56 15 9
    13 Anastasia GALYETA / Alexei SHUMSKI
    112.11 12 14
    14 Ramona ELSENER / Florian ROOST
    110.39 13 15
    15 Kelly OLIVEIRA / Jordan HOCKLEY
    109.66 14 13
    16 Dominique DIECK / Michael ZENKNER
    102.68 16 17
    17 Karina UZUROVA / Ilias ALI
    101.98 17 18
    18 Charlotte AIKEN / Josh WHIDBORNE
    101.42 18 16
    19 Maria NOSULIA / Evgen KHOLONIUK
    96.35 19 19
    20 Sofia SFORZA / Francesco FIORETTI
    89.36 20 20
    21 Yiyi ZHANG / Nan WU
    FNR 21
    22 Baily CARROLL / Peter GERBER
    FNR 22
    23 Viktoria KAVALEVA / Yirii BIELIAIEV
    FNR 23
    24 Kristina TREMASOVA / Dimitar LICHEV
    FNR 24
    WD Karolina PROCHAZKOVA / Michal CESKA

    Details FD
    1 Ksenia MONKO / Kirill KHALIAVIN RUS 83.54 38.43 45.11 7.46 7.32 7.50 7.68 7.79 0.00 #16
    2 Tiffany ZAHORSKI / Alexis MIART FRA 79.20 40.78 38.42 6.39 6.00 6.57 6.68 6.68 0.00 #13
    3 Ekaterina PUSHKASH / Jonathan GUERREIRO RUS 78.88 36.92 41.96 7.14 6.61 7.14 7.18 7.14 0.00 #20
    4 Charlotte LICHTMAN / Dean COPELY USA 78.08 38.37 39.71 6.61 6.36 6.68 6.82 6.82 0.00 #17
    5 Evgenia KOSIGINA / Nikolai MOROSHKIN RUS 74.55 36.04 38.51 6.43 6.18 6.43 6.61 6.61 0.00 #14
    6 Nikola VISNOVA / Lukas CSOLLEY SVK 74.07 37.57 36.50 6.18 5.89 6.21 6.11 6.14 0.00 #18
    7 Nicole ORFORD / Thomas WILLIAMS CAN 72.41 36.65 35.76 6.07 5.71 6.21 5.93 6.04 0.00 #12
    8 Anastasia CANNUSCIO / Colin MCMANUS USA 71.96 35.36 36.60 6.21 5.89 6.14 6.18 6.21 0.00 #19
    9 Gabriella PAPADAKIS / Guillaume CIZERON FRA 71.59 35.85 35.74 5.96 5.57 6.11 6.25 6.18 0.00 #6
    10 Sara HURTADO / Adria DIAZ ESP 71.57 36.87 34.70 5.86 5.07 6.14 6.04 6.32 0.00 #15
    11 Lauri BONACORSI / Travis MAGER USA 68.63 33.35 35.28 5.89 5.71 6.00 5.93 6.00 0.00 #9
    12 Irina SHTORK / Taavi RAND EST 67.41 32.50 34.91 5.89 5.64 5.89 5.86 5.93 0.00 #11
    13 Kelly OLIVEIRA / Jordan HOCKLEY CAN 64.52 33.39 31.13 5.11 4.93 5.18 5.50 5.43 0.00 #8
    14 Anastasia GALYETA / Alexei SHUMSKI UKR 63.66 29.92 33.74 5.75 5.29 5.79 5.71 5.79 0.00 #7
    15 Ramona ELSENER / Florian ROOST SUI 63.19 31.26 31.93 5.46 5.00 5.46 5.39 5.50 0.00 #10
    16 Charlotte AIKEN / Josh WHIDBORNE GBR 60.46 32.08 28.38 4.79 4.61 4.75 4.71 4.86 0.00 #1
    17 Dominique DIECK / Michael ZENKNER GER 60.33 32.79 27.54 4.71 4.43 4.61 4.68 4.61 0.00 #3
    18 Karina UZUROVA / Ilias ALI KAZ 60.28 31.30 28.98 4.93 4.61 4.96 5.00 4.79 0.00 #5
    19 Maria NOSULIA / Evgen KHOLONIUK UKR 56.99 29.72 28.27 4.79 4.46 4.79 4.82 4.86 1.00 #4
    20 Sofia SFORZA / Francesco FIORETTI ITA 50.63 27.28 25.35 4.32 4.04 4.21 4.46 4.21 2.00 #2
  11.     +1   -1



    Non vorrei dire una castronata, ma Adelina qua non sembra un pò la sorella minore di Johnny Weir?? :biggrin2.gif:
  12.     +1   -1


    Ladies SP
    The Russian girls dominated the Junior Ladies Short Program as expected with Adelina Sotnikova edging out Lisa Tuktamisheva by less than one point for first place, however, USA's Christina Gao is not far behind in third.

    Overall it was a high-level competition with seven girls going for a triple-triple combination and four of them landing a clean one.

    Sotnikova's Waltz program was highlighted by her triple loop, double Axel, excellent level-four spins, and the footwork, however, she underrotated the toe in her triple Lutz-triple toeloop combination. The 14-year-old from Moscow scored 59.51 points.

    "My skating was today was good, but at the same time it was not so good," she said. "Hopefully tomorrow I can do everything tomorrow and everything a 100 percent. All girls at Junior Worlds are strong and are trying triple-triple combinations. This is good because is makes it more competitive."

    A Korean reporter asked the Russian skaters what they think about Yu-Na Kim.

    "I really like Yu-Na Kim," Sotnikova answered. "Her jumps and other elements were very good at the Olympic Games in Vancouver. I like the way she does her combination and obviously we have to learn from her the ease and softness of her jumps."

    Tuktamisheva turned in a strong performance of her oriental-themed program to Harem (The Casbah) by R.E.G. Project. She opened with a perfect triple Lutz-triple toe combo, followed by a triple loop and an excellent double Axel with her hand over her head. Her flying camel spin merited a level four while the layback and the combo spin were a level three. The 14-year-old improved her seasons best by a little over one point with her score of 58.60.

    "I am very pleased with my performance today," the student of Alexei Mishin and Svetlana Veretennikova offered. "I tried not to think that this is the (Junior) World Championships, but just an ordinary competition, and as a result, I skated well. I hope that tomorrow everything will be even better."

    Tuktamisheva confirmed that she is working on the triple Axel, but won't try it tomorrow in the free skating.

    "I do the triple Axel in practice," she explained, "but it is not consistent yet enough to put it out in international competition. I will approach this step by step. First I'll do it in competition practices, then in the six minutes warm up and then hopefully I can do it in the program."

    Skating to Violin Concerto in E Minor by Felix Mendelssohn, Gao produced a triple flip-triple toe combination, triple loop and two-level four spins. However, she barely hung on to her scratchy double Axel. The American earned 56.80 points to prevent a Russian sweep of the short program.

    "I am very happy with how I skated today, especially because last year at Junior Worlds my short program was not my best," the 16-year-old said. "I am happy that I could come here and do what I prepared. I'm excited for tomorrow as well."

    "I think it is very exciting that junior competition has so many triple-triples," Gao replied when asked to comment on the high level of the event. "When we move up to seniors, we'll have triple-triples and hopefully even more exciting (elements), like triple Axels and quads like the men."

    Russia's Polina Shelepen delivered a clean program to a modern version of Swan Lake (similar to Daisuke Takahashi's famous Hip Hop Swan Lake in 2008) that featured a triple Lutz-triple toe, a triple loop and double Axel. Her spins were all graded a level four and the Muscovite was happy about a seasons best of 56.58 points.

    "I did everything today and I got all my levels," the Muscovite noted. "It was the best short program of the season. I was nervous when I went out to skate, but I was able to cope with my nerves. My goal for tomorrow is to skate clean."

    USA's Agnes Zawadzki lost quite a few points when she added just a double toe on to her triple toe for a combination. Her triple loop was a little shaky, but the double Axel was fine and the spins merited a level four. The reigning World Junior silver medalist is sitting in fifth with 53.17 points.

    "My mind was kind of blank after landing the first triple toe," the 16-year-old admitted. "It was kind of disappointing. I'm happy that I was able to fight and land the jumps after that. Doing the jump after the mistake is the most important thing. All my other elements were strong. It's just like last year, I'm not in the greatest position, but I have nothing to lose."

    As the defending silver medalist, Zawadzki would like to be on the podium again, but tries not to think about it too much. "I try to focus on just one thing at a time and not get too far ahead of myself. I just focus on doing my best in the long."

    Japan's Miyabi Oba landed a solid triple Salchow-triple toeloop combination, a double Axel, triple loop in her powerful performance to Liberty Fanfare. She scored 51.82 points to come sixth.

    "As I didn't have so much time to prepare for this competition, I just wanted to skate without any mistakes," said Oba. "I didn't expect to place as high as I did, and therefore I am very pleased.

    "I hardly believed it when I was told that I have been selected for Junior World," she added.

    Teammate Risa Shoji of Japan nailed a triple Salchow-triple toe, but her triple loop was underrotated. She showed good attack and connection to the music in her routine to Libertango, and finished seventh with 51.49 points.

    Zijun Li of China had a solid outing with a triple flip-double toe, triple loop, double Axel and nice spins to place eighth (51.00 points).

    The elegant Yretha Silete of France also skated well with a triple flip-double toe combination. She is ranked ninth (50.24 points).

    U.S. Junior Champion Courtney Hicks had drawn to skate first out of the 30 competitors in what was her first international event. The 15-year-old went for a triple flip-triple toe, but the second jump was cheated and downgraded. The double Axel and triple loop were high, and she hit original positions in her strong spins that were all graded a level four. She earned 49.98 points and came 10th.

    Yuki Nishino of Japan underrotated both her Lutz and loop to finish 11th (46.09 points).
  13.     +1   -1


    Free Dance
    Russia's Ksenia Monko and Kirill Khaliavin won the Ice Dance gold medal at the ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships, while teammates Ekaterina Pushkash and Jonathan Guerreiro took the silver. The bronze went to USA's Charlotte Lichtman and Dean Copely, who debuted at the event.

    Monko and Khaliavin turned in an intense performance of their Frida Flamenco-themed dance. They picked up a level three for the footwork, however, Monko failed to hold her skate behind her back in the twizzle, and as a result, they were only given a level two. The last lift also received only a level two.

    The Muscovites still won the free dance with 83.54 points and overall with 144.16 points.

    "We are just incredibly happy to have won tonight," Khaliavin told the press. "We would have liked to win last year, but it didn't happen. Maybe we were not ready for it. But now we did it. We've worked for that the whole season and finally it happened."

    "Our free dance wasn't the best today obviously," he continued. "We had a problem with the twizzles and with the last lift and they were only a level two. I think the levels we got and our score were objective."

    When asked how they chose their music, Khaliavin replied: "Our coaches picked our music, but we know that this Spanish, Flamenco style suits us very well, we lived this program and hopefully we were able to project it on to the ice as it was supposed to be."

    Skating to Scorchio by Bond, Pushkash and Guerreiro produced interesting lifts, but had only a level two for their step sequences. With 78.88 points, their free dance was rated third-best, but with their total score of 134.64 points, they held on to second place. The program was pleasant to watch, but didn't have much emotion.

    "We are happy with the ending of the competition," said Guerreiro. "Of course, we wanted to fight for the first place, but more than that, we wanted to fight for our work and to show everything what we've improved. This is our second season as a couple and our first season with our new coaches. We wanted to grow as a couple, to show our new technique and image. We were able to show our new style."

    "We are reasonable happy with what we did," he continued. "There were some nuances that didn't work, but we had a good connection with the audience and with each other which is the most important thing to us."

    "We didn't really pick a concrete theme," Guerreiro said of their music choice. "We just tried to show our pluses like our lines and to build the program around them. The program was kind of a middle eastern thing, but we tried not to go too deep into it. It became something in between lyrical and middle eastern. For next season we'll pick a more concrete theme."

    Lichtman and Copely went for a fun theme with Beetlejuice. They completed level-four lifts, and earned a level three for the twizzles and the circular step sequence. The program was well skated. The U.S. Junior Champions scored a season's best with 78.08 points and took the bronze with a total of 133.36 points. They were ranked fourth in the free dance.

    "Dean and I are both thrilled to have gotten third," Lichtman said. "This was our first Junior Worlds. We wanted to come here and to skate our best. We are pleased with our free dance. There were a few levels that we didn't get and that we hoped to achieve. Overall the skate and the performance were the highest that we competed it with our free dance. We enjoyed the free dance and we think it shows our individual style. We are excited overall."

    Copely talked about on how they chose their music.

    "We had a lot of fun with our Charlie Chaplin free dance last year, acting and playing with emotions," he said. "Marina Zueva suggested Beetlejuice for this year and we jumped on it right away. We thought it would be a lot of fun. There are a lot of quirky things in there, a lot of funny things, sneaking around. Next year we're hoping to do something different. We want to show that we don't just do funny programs, we want to show how diverse we are as skaters."

    Tiffany Zahorski and Alexis Miart of France put out a stylish dance to I Like It Like That, Ain't No Sunshine, and Mujer Latina. They were the first couple of the evening to earn a level three for both step sequences and moved up from ninth to fourth overall with 128.16 points. They even had the highest technical score.

    "Our first Junior Worlds were a good experience for us and it went well," Miart said. "We are very happy that we moved up a few spots, but I don't think that we would have been on the podium, even if our short dance would have been at its best. It is nice for us that we had the highest technical score, although we know that the champions didn't skate their best tonight."

    Slovakians Nikola Visnova and Lukas Csolley were solid once again to Notre Dame de Paris and came in fifth - an excellent result for the couple. They had 126.07 points.

    Russia's Evgenia Kosigina and Nikolai Moroshkin delivered a soft and flowing dance to Waltz No. 7 by Frederic Chopin. They had difficult transitions into their combo spin and the twizzles, but the footwork was graded only a level one and two. They remained in sixth place with 125.43 points.

    The Spanish team of Sara Hurtado and Adria Diaz were crowd favorites with their interpretation of Be Italian, and their cool lifts drew applause. However, the judges didn't quite agree and placed them in tenth again as in the short dance. However, as there was some movement in the standings, the finished ninth overall. A higher placement would have been justified.
  14.     +1   -1


    Mondiali Junior 2011, il titolo della danza va a Monko/Khaliavin, Sotnikova guida il corto Donne
    Da: www.artonice.it
    Continuano le gare a Gangneung. Oggi in programma il corto Donne e la finale della danza.
    Il titolo di campioni del mondo junior di danza per il 2011 è andato ai favoriti della vigilia, Ksenia Monko e Kirill Khaliavin, in una gara che, al di là delle prime tre posizioni, ha visto parecchi rivolgimenti di classifica.
    I due danzatori russi, che l'anno scorso avevano conquistato il bronzo, hanno prodotto un buon libero anche se non ai loro migliori livelli. Se i due primi sollevamenti, di livello 4, sono stati ben eseguiti come pure le sequenze di passi, entrambe di livello 3, nei twizzles Ksenia ha commesso un'imprecisione e l'ultimo sollevamento in linea ha ottenuto solo il livello 2. Ottimi i loro components, tutti ben superiori al 7, a premiare la loro qualità di pattinaggio, la maturità interpretativa e la loro espressività. 144,16 il loro punteggio.
    Hanno comunque dominato largamente il campo, con i secondi classificati, i connazionali Ekaterina Pushkash e Jonathan Guerreiro, a quasi 10 punti, 134,64. La danza della seconda coppia russa è un po' mancata a livello tecnico, il loro TES è il quinto; non ci sono stati errori ma i livelli, solo 2 nella serpentina e nella diagonale e 3 nei twizzles e nella trottola, li hanno penalizzati. Buono invece il secondo punteggio, la coppia ha stile e personalità.
    Terzi gli americani Charlotte Litchman e Dean Copely (133,36 nuovo record personale), anche per loro un esercizio pulito e ben pattinato, con bei sollevamenti, solo la midline non è stata efficace, con un livello 2. Hanno ottenuto i terzi components.
    I francesi Tiffany Zahorski e Alexis Miart (128,16, anche per loro è arrivato il nuovo record) hanno saputo approfittare alla grande del libero, pattinando molto bene, con tutti livelli 4 nei twizzles e nei sollevamenti e le due sequenze di passi di livello 3. Il loro TES è stato il migliore e così gli allievi di Muriel Zazoui hanno conquistato la seconda piazza del segmento e la quarta generale, risalendo di ben cinque posizioni.
    Troviamo al quinto posto i cechi Visnova/Csolley (126,07); positiva la loro prova a livello tecnico, il loro TES è stato migliore di quello di Pushkash/Guerreiro, ma non altrettanto si può dire dei loro components, i settimi del segmento; hanno migliorato il loro record personale ma sono arretrati di una posizione rispetto al corto.
    Seguono i russi Kosigina/Moroshkin (125,43), il cui punto debole sono stati i passi, col cerchio solo di livello 1; fluida la loro esecuzione.
    Prestazione non brillante per gli americani Cannuscio/MaManus (122,90) che con l'ottavo libero hanno perso due posizioni rispetto al corto, piazzandosi al settimo posto generale. Meglio di loro nel libero han fatto i canadesi Orford/Williams (122,22, nuovo record) che li seguono in classifica generale. C'è da dire che dall'ottava alla decima posizione del libero le differenze di punteggio sono state minime. Noni con 120,41 gli spagnoli Hurtado/Diaz con un libero piacevole e di effetto, anche per loro sono arrivati i nuovi record personali del libero e totale.
    Sono invece precipitati dal settimo posto del corto al decimo generale gli estoni Shtork/Rand (117,50) che hanno eseguito solo il dodicesimo libero.
    Sono rimasti al 20.o posto Sofia Sforza e Francesco Fioretti, con 89,36 punti. I nostri atleti hanno avuto due punti di detrazione per extended lift e sono incorsi in imprecisioni nei twizzles, di livello 2, e nella diagonale, di livello 1.

    Gara di ottimo livello, il corto femminile. Ben cinque pattinatrici hanno presentato una combinazione triplo-triplo pulita e una (proprio la Sotnikova) l'ha eseguita con sottorotazione del secondo salto. Si sono viste anche buone trottole. Si è comportata molto bene anche Alice Garlisi, quattordicesima, che ha centrato così l'obiettivo della finale migliorando di 5 punti il suo record del corto.

    Come previsto, le tre ragazze russe si sono portate subito nelle prime posizioni della gara, anche se Polina Shelepen ha dovuto cedere la terza piazza all'americana Christina Gao. Adelina Sotnikova, la dominatrice del Grand Prix Junior, nonostante l'errore su 3Lz3T si è portata subito in testa con 59,51 punti; tutti bene eseguiti gli altri elementi, 3Lo e 2A (col braccio alzato stile Tano-lutz) sicuri e ben scivolati, trottole molto belle tutte di livello massimo, passi dinamici e un'ottima presentazione.
    La tallona Elizaveta Tukhtamisheva (58,60, nuovo record personale) che non ha commesso alcun errore, è suo il miglior TES, ma ha perso parte del vantaggio acquisito rispetto alla Sotnikova con la perfetta combinazione 3Lz3T lasciando punti nel livello (solo 2) dei passi e di due trottole, la layback e la combinata (livello 3 anziché 4); è apparsa veloce e dinamica, ha però ottenuto un punto in meno anche nel secondo punteggio.
    Ottima prova anche per Christina Gao (56,80); l'allieva di Orser ha eseguito 3F3T perfettamente, ma l'atterraggio del 2A non è stato pulito. Bene le trottole, due di massimo livello, e i passi, anche nei components si è difesa con voti intorno al 6.
    Polina Shelepen, quarta con 56,58, si è ben comportata a livello tecnico, col terzo TES; ha eseguito un corto pulito, con la combo 3Lz3T e trottole tutte di livello 4. Ha però spuntato components inferiori alle avversarie.
    Al quinto posto si è inserita l'americana Agnes Zawadzki, già però distanziata di alcuni punti (53,17); bene eseguita la sua combinazione, solo 3T2T (era prevista con due tripli), una imprecisione sul 3Lo, ma anche trottole di livello 4 e buoni passi, efficace anche la presentazione.
    La seguono al sesto e settimo posto, quasi appaiate, le due giapponesi Miyabi Oba (51,82) e Risa Shoji (51,49). Entrambe hanno eseguito una combinazione 3S3T perfetta; la Oba ha eseguito un corto pulito e di buon livello ma è stata penalizzata dai components, mentre la Shoji è stata meglio valutata nel secondo punteggio ma non ha eseguito perfettamente il 3Lo, sottoruotato.
    Ottava la cinese Zijun Li (51,00), per lei solo una lieve imprecisione sul 3Lo, nona la francese Yretha Silete (50,24), anche per lei un programma pressoché pulito; stabilito da entrambe il nuovo record personale. Decima la terza americana, la campionessa nazionale junior in carica alla sua prima gara internazionale, Courtney Hicks (49,98) che ha tentato 3F3T ma il secondo salto è stato degradato.

    Alice Garlisi ha eseguito con precisione il 3Lo iniziale e la combinazione 3S2T, ha però mancato il 2A, uscito solo semplice. Bene la flying camel di livello 4, i passi e la trottola combinata di livello 3, qualcosa non è andato invece nella layback che ha avuto il livello 2.
    Gara deludente per il Canada, quella femminile. Dopo l'esclusione di Vanessa Grenier che non ha passato le qualificazioni, Alexandra Najarro non si è classificata tra le prime 24 del corto. Non ci saranno quindi pattinatrici canadesi in finale.
  15.     +1   -1


    Junior Men Results
    1 Andrei ROGOZINE
    200.13 3 2
    2 Keiji TANAKA
    196.98 6 1
    3 Alexander MAJOROV
    195.71 4 3
    4 Keegan MESSING
    195.07 1 7
    5 Max AARON
    193.92 5 4
    6 Han YAN
    187.49 8 5
    7 Jason BROWN
    185.44 7 6
    8 Artur DMITRIEV
    181.19 2 11
    9 Gordei GORSHKOV
    177.34 14 8
    10 Ryuichi KIHARA
    175.72 12 9
    11 Zhan BUSH
    174.92 10 10
    12 Abzal RAKIMGALIEV
    168.82 9 13
    13 Jorik HENDRICKX
    166.53 13 12
    14 Kento NAKAMURA
    158.13 15 14
    15 Stanislav PERTSOV
    154.48 11 18
    16 Jiaxing LIU
    153.56 16 16
    17 Romain PONSART
    150.00 19 15
    18 Viktor ROMANENKOV
    144.87 21 19
    19 Petr COUFAL
    144.03 17 21
    20 Liam FIRUS
    143.26 24 17
    21 Denis WIECZOREK
    142.01 22 20
    22 Bela PAPP
    138.63 20 22
    23 Vitali LUCHANOK
    138.27 18 23
    24 Kamil BIALAS
    133.44 23 24
    25 Tomi PULKKINEN
    FNR 25
    26 Saverio GIACOMELLI
    FNR 26
    27 Ondrej SPIEGL
    FNR 27
    28 Jordan JU
    FNR 28
    29 Francesc PALAU
    FNR 29
    30 Dong-Won LEE
    FNR 30

    Details FS
    1 Keiji TANAKA JPN 132.92 72.50 60.42 6.36 5.64 6.21 6.04 5.96 0.00 #21
    2 Andrei ROGOZINE CAN 132.86 70.52 62.34 6.21 5.96 6.43 6.32 6.25 0.00 #24
    3 Alexander MAJOROV SWE 128.59 68.51 60.08 6.18 5.54 6.25 6.00 6.07 0.00 #19
    4 Max AARON USA 126.96 67.70 60.26 6.25 5.75 6.21 5.96 5.96 1.00 #23
    5 Han YAN CHN 126.60 65.52 61.08 6.36 5.79 6.25 6.07 6.07 0.00 #16
    6 Jason BROWN USA 122.80 61.72 61.08 6.11 5.86 6.14 6.18 6.25 0.00 #17
    7 Keegan MESSING USA 122.49 60.91 62.58 6.46 6.04 6.11 6.32 6.36 1.00 #22
    8 Gordei GORSHKOV RUS 120.97 64.53 56.44 5.79 5.36 5.61 5.75 5.71 0.00 #9
    9 Ryuichi KIHARA JPN 116.97 60.73 56.24 5.86 5.29 5.68 5.68 5.61 0.00 #13
    10 Zhan BUSH RUS 115.34 60.92 56.42 5.89 5.43 5.57 5.68 5.64 2.00 #18
    11 Artur DMITRIEV RUS 112.28 55.36 57.92 6.11 5.46 5.68 5.82 5.89 1.00 #20
    12 Jorik HENDRICKX BEL 108.64 53.98 54.66 5.57 5.04 5.57 5.54 5.61 0.00 #11
    13 Abzal RAKIMGALIEV KAZ 108.34 55.12 54.22 5.43 5.11 5.43 5.43 5.71 1.00 #14
    14 Kento NAKAMURA JPN 102.80 48.86 55.94 5.86 5.29 5.29 5.89 5.64 2.00 #10
    15 Romain PONSART FRA 99.08 48.82 50.26 5.18 4.71 4.96 5.14 5.14 0.00 #4
    16 Jiaxing LIU CHN 98.68 47.98 52.70 5.54 4.96 5.32 5.21 5.32 2.00 #8
    17 Liam FIRUS CAN 96.36 46.08 51.28 5.32 4.89 4.93 5.32 5.18 1.00 #5
    18 Stanislav PERTSOV UKR 95.69 43.69 52.00 5.43 4.89 5.25 5.18 5.25 0.00 #15
    19 Viktor ROMANENKOV EST 95.24 46.60 48.64 5.00 4.57 5.04 4.89 4.82 0.00 #6
    20 Denis WIECZOREK GER 93.26 48.48 46.78 4.96 4.46 4.61 4.75 4.61 2.00 #2
    21 Petr COUFAL CZE 91.33 43.27 49.06 5.14 4.64 4.71 5.04 5.00 1.00 #7
    22 Bela PAPP FIN 88.86 44.36 44.50 4.68 4.29 4.43 4.46 4.39 0.00 #3
    23 Vitali LUCHANOK BLR 87.00 42.56 45.44 4.86 4.29 4.43 4.64 4.50 1.00 #12
    24 Kamil BIALAS POL 86.51 47.11 42.40 4.46 3.96 4.21 4.43 4.14 3.00 #1
33 replies since 4/2/2011, 18:28   2923 views